April 18, 2010

Consumer ripoff: Australia Post cost-cutting to hit over long weekends - Anzac Day and Labour Day weekend pickups cancelled

FIRST they said to fetch it yourself . . now they have said they won't fetch it all.

Australia Post's frenzied cost-cutting will leave mailboxes uncleared over the Anzac Day and Labour Day long weekends.
The Sunday Mail has found lengthy delays are expected on mail runs across the nation as Sunday pickups get cancelled.
Businesses are bracing for week-long mail delays for documents being sent interstate, with no mail to be collected from Friday night to Monday morning over the long weekends.
Mail truck drivers in Queensland learnt of the unprecedented shift cancellations after receiving their rosters this week.
''They were just told they were not required,'' CEPU Queensland secretary Cameron Thiele said. ''Australia Post has said nothing to the public about it at all.
''Anyone posting business mail, if they are paying a bill interstate, it won't get there until Thursday.
''Every other year we have had full staff on Sunday and Monday. It is penny-pinching.''
The Chamber of Commerce & Industry Queensland (CCIQ) said businesses would have to find an alternative to Australia Post.
''Business could reasonably expect to get some notice to make alternative arrangements,'' CCIQ president David Goodwin said.
But Australia Post has denied keeping customers ''in the dark'' over the pick-up times.
Australia Post said staff were consulted and the union had not raised any concerns.
The move follows Australia Post's plan to replace letter boxes in new estates with community mail hubs.

COMMENT: Australia Post is encountering numerous financial and operational issues with the rapid expansion
of the internet and the dwindling amount of mail in Australia.  However, there is no justification for cancelling mail
pickups over long weekends.  Australia Post is currently seeking an increase in the price of a basic stamp - a
massive 9.1% hike to 60c.  That could be justified by the ACCC only if Australia Post retains its basic pickup
and delivery services.
