Jo- Ann Miller has defended Labor colleague Paul
Hoolihan who used Labour Day on Monday to voic
e his concerns over the plan to sell-off $15 billion
of public assets
A SECOND Labor MP has broken ranks over the Bligh government's privatisation plans.
Ipswich MP Jo-Ann Miller has defended Labor colleague Paul Hoolihan who used Labour Day on Monday to voice his concerns over the plan to sell-off $15 billion of public assets, including Queensland Rail's coal and bulk freight service.
Mr Hoolihan said the government should review its privatisation plans in the light of the economic recovery and higher-than-expected forecasts in revenue.
Ms Miller, whose seat of Bundamba includes a large number of railway workers, said Labor MPs had a right to reflect the mood of their local members.
``That's what we're elected to do, and Mr Hoolihan made his comments after a Labour Day march, so I think he is simply stating the views of his electorate,'' she told the Queensland Times newspaper.
``The government is well aware of my views and the views of the Bundamba electorate about this issue, and have been for some time.''