May 18, 2010

Abbott the Rabbit: Only believe me if it is 'scripted': Tony Abbott tells the people of Australia

KERRY'S curse has struck a second political leader venturing into "7:30 report land" with Tony Abbott last night admitting he didn't always tell the "gospel truth" in the heat of political battle.

His candid comments on ABC1's 7:30 Report were immediately seized upon by Labor operatives last night including the ALP's key strategist Karl Bitar as evidence the Liberal leader was a "phoney Tony".

But Joe Hockey defended the Liberal leader's comments as evidence he is a "straight talker" on the ABC1's Q&A program, sparking audience laughter.

Mr Hockey also publicy ruled out the Coalition embracing Mr Abbott's support for a $10,000 payment for stay-home mums as an election sweetener.

After Prime Minister Kevin Rudd sparked national debate over his testy performance over climate change on the program last week when he accused host Kerry O'Brien of living in "7:30 Report land", the Liberal leader last night embarked on his own television confessional.

He admittted his pledge to introduce paid maternity leave via a 1.7 per cent levy on big business was not "completely consistent" with his pledge not to introduce new taxes.

But he suggested he should not be strictly held to his word.

"Politicians are going to be judged on everything they say, but sometimes, in the heat of discussion, you go a little bit further than you would if it was an absolutely, uh, calm, considered, prepared, scripted remark," Mr Abbott said.

"Which is one of the reasons why, the, the the statements that need to be taken absolutely, as, as gospel truth is those carefully prepared, scripted remarks."

The 7:30 Report host then asked whether "every time you make a statement we have to ask you whether it's carefully prepared, or on the fly".

"Is that why your colleagues over the years have come to call you the weathervane?" Mr O'Brien asked.

"And, some, and some, and some people Kerry, will judge me very harshly," Mr Abbott conceded.

O'Brien then asked: "Are there two Tony Abbotts? The real Tony Abbott and the Tony Abbott that tailors what he has to say to the audience that he has in front of him."

"Well again, I think, that, most of us know, ah, when we're talking to people, when we're listening to people, I think we know, um, when, ah, we can put absolute weight, ah, on what's being said and when it's just the give and take of standard conversation," Mr Abbott replied.

COMMENT: Tony Abbott is proving himself to be as untrustworthy as
John Howard was. Who could ever forget John Howard's classification
of election promises as "core promises" and "non-core promises",
declaring the latter breakable with impunity.  The "Mad Monk" is quickly
catching up to the Master.