May 21, 2010

Australian Women Are Unusually Keen On Facebook

Facebook's "tough luck" approach to privacy might be driving lots of people to consider quitting, but social networking remains popular across the region, and Facebook is still the most popular site. One of the most active segments? Women in Australia.

According to a recent Forrester Technographics survey of social networking activity in the Asia-Pacific, 67% of Australian women regularly use social networking sites, compared to just 55% of men. Before you dive in with your favourite "gossiping females" cliche, Forrester only found one other similar major regional gender divide: metropolitan India, where 80% of men use social networking compared to 69% of women.

Privacy concerns aside, Facebook easily dominates local usage, account for 55% of male usage and 68% of female usage. Second place goes to MySpace — yes, really — with 8% of women and 9% of men, followed by Twitter (7% for both sexes).

Are your social networking habits changing in response to recent privacy problems?